Friday 13 March 2009

Model Portfolio

All models need a portfolio, it is one of the most essential marketing tools that the model can have. It does not have to contain a vast amount of photographs but it does have to be representative of what the model looks like. To this end the portfolio should be reviewed at least twice a year although four times would be better. If a change in appearance takes place, a new hair style for example, this should be included as quick as possible.
The number of images included should range from ten to twenty and should be the best images you have. The portfolio should be in hard copy and also where possible on the Internet. There are many free sites where this is possible and a others where a small fee is payable. is a good site and aimed at models, actors, dancers and others involved in the entertainment business, this is, in my experience, the best site of its type I have come across and I use it frequently to source models. is mainly for models and photographers and although based in the USA there are a good selection of people from the UK posted.
Now comes the question, where do I get my photographs done?
There are many ways in which this can be achieved some much more expensive than others.
Photographic studios abound that offer a portfolio service and these range in price up to and over £600.00. Not a cost I would suggest a new model spends, I have experienced many new models with portfolios that frankly were a complete waste of money. A good portfolio should contain images that have been done by various photographers with different styles. This gives a better impression of the work you as a model are capable of carrying out.
I do charge for portfolio work, each portfolio is planned to suit the market the model wishes to work in. My charge for this varies according to the complexity of the work involved, although the average cost is around £200.00
If you are starting as a model contact me and discuss your needs.
John Malloch-Caldwell - Photographer
e-mail -

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